Satire: Fourth Best College Food in New York

Our new normal is basically back to pre-COVID normal, but with masks, and I'm sure everyone’s sick of asking covid safety questions, I am to a degree, but entering D-hall with 100-plus students is still overwhelming when we've been so conditioned to socially distance. Hopefully more of us can be vigilant in wearing masks indoors (like in the library) and the future of our campus won't become a COVID hotspot.

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Student Forums Open a Dialogue on Campus Safety Reforms

In the last year, the United States has begun to confront its connected past with racism and racial inequity. College students have been some of the most outspoken voices, with many from all over the country bringing their experiences with racial bias and prejudice to the fore. Many Skidmore College students have followed suit, but the College as an institution has a long way to go before it is considered “outspoken” in issues of racial justice. A central point of contention on campus has been the Skidmore Campus Safety Department and instances of racial prejudice.

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OPINION: The Lawn Jockey Cannot Stand as a Symbol of Racism at Skidmore

I wrote the following letter to Skidmore President Marc C. Conner on Monday, July 27th. The previous summer, some friends and I noticed the presence of the Skidmore lawn jockey on the lawn of the Lucy Scribner presidential residence. I had never seen one where I had grown up, but was familiar with “lawn jockey” as a pejorative phrase and wondered if the same racist history applied to the object itself.

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Inspiring Hope: Solidarity Vigil for Immigrants and Refugees Unity Gathering

On Feb. 2nd , the Skidmore community came together for a Solidarity Vigil for Immigrants and Refugees. As students and faculty filed into the auditorium, their stance on Trump’s recent executive order, “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States,” was clear. 

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