Satire: Fourth Best College Food in New York

Image courtesy of Skidmore College

Just as Skidmore highlights the importance of their students’ well-being, Murray Aikins Dining Hall (D-hall) has finally done the same! Priorities have shifted, and now the new and improved D-hall can finally focus on inclusivity between students of all backgrounds from sports enthusiasts to art kids. Within this new bubble of “normal” that the college has created, students can now eat in D-hall and admire the Shrek green walls while trying not to implode from the noise of hundreds of students that surround them.

The reopening of a fully functional D-hall is exciting in that we’re able to meet up with people and make connections that weren't possible last year, but also worrisome in the super-spreader type of way. 

Not to mention that now D-hall is open, people lack consideration for the workers by leaving their trash on the tables and keeping their dishware in presumptuous places. Not only is that extremely disrespectful, but a great way to spread COVID by leaving saliva-covered napkins and half-eaten food in places for strangers to pick up (strangers who frankly, don't get paid enough). 

The Dining Hall already has a questionable past from chefs with way too much interest in their female employees to the lack of strawberries in the fruit bowls, but for all its faults, D-hall does have its moments of glory. The roasted cauliflower, beautiful; vegan spaghetti and meatballs, delicious (arguably more so than the regular spaghetti and meatballs); and the bakery has really emerged this semester. The baked goods are always a highlight no matter the time of day. These rare gems really make or break the set up for the day, but does the good outweigh the bad? 

Our new normal is basically back to pre-COVID normal, but with masks, and I'm sure everyone’s sick of asking covid safety questions – I am to a degree – but entering D-hall with 100-plus students is still overwhelming when we've been so conditioned to socially distance. Hopefully more of us can be vigilant in wearing masks indoors (like in the library) and the future of our campus won't become a COVID orgy. Wish us luck in our attempt to not splurge a week's paycheck on DoorDash. I see green in our future.