Satire: Fourth Best College Food in New York

Our new normal is basically back to pre-COVID normal, but with masks, and I'm sure everyone’s sick of asking covid safety questions, I am to a degree, but entering D-hall with 100-plus students is still overwhelming when we've been so conditioned to socially distance. Hopefully more of us can be vigilant in wearing masks indoors (like in the library) and the future of our campus won't become a COVID hotspot.

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Spring Covid Precautions Yield Increased Plastic Waste

Skidmore’s 2020 Fall semester proved just how different college during a pandemic would look and feel. One seemingly small but significant change is the use of plastic to-go containers in the dining hall. When students returned to campus at the end of January, this waste-producing routine was only exacerbated by the safe shelter mode that defined our first week on campus.

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