Keeping Up with SGA: Meet Your Representative

Keeping up with SGA: Meet Your Representative

Name: Clare Smith ’20

Position: Penfield Senator

Major: Undeclared (leaning towards History)

Hometown: Washington, D.C.

Fun Fact about Clare: Clare does not have her driver’s license.

Why Did Clare Join SGA: Clare joined SGA to become more involved in the Skidmore community and to focus on issues relating to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance. When Clare first started at Skidmore, she had a broken leg and ankle. Clare could not put weight on her leg and ankle for three months. Because of this injury, Clare became increasingly aware of the gaps in Skidmore’s ADA compliance and the difficulties students with disabilities may face.

What Clare is Working On: After her recent experience and difficulties with the College’s ADA compliance, Clare began working on an audit to evaluate Skidmore’s compliance with the ADA’s policy. This audit notes the need for accessible showers in every dorm, visible handicap accessible signage throughout campus, and handicap accessible buttons on all doors, especially those outside dorms.