The Pollution of Politics: What We Can Learn From This Year's UN Climate Conference

The unfortunate reality highlighted, once again, by this year's COP is that we cannot rely on our governments, their theatrical conferences, and various overly optimistic speeches given by political leaders to be the catalyst for change needed to curb the catastrophic climate destruction. That being said, the greater attention this year's conference received and subsequent voices of dissent towards the inaction of our current leaders have been an encouraging sign for the future and changes that are hopefully soon to come.

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Wildfires and Toxic Fumes Are Swallowing the United States

Wildfires have been ravaging the California ecosystem for years now. Unfortunately, wildfires do not just affect those who can see their flames on the west coast. At different times within this past year, the eastern half of the United States watched in awe as skies filled with smoke, blanketing the country in gray and red hues.

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Texas Winter Storms Incite a State Crisis

During the winter season in Saratoga Springs, it is normal to experience one or two Nor’easters. Students don heavy coats and boots, classes continue, and life carries on. As the national news reports, however, other parts of the country have been affected severely by strong winter storms this year. Over the past two weeks, Texas – a state not known for having much snow – has been hit by two heavy winter storms.

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Climate Change, Fire, and Skidmore: An Account from the North Woods Steward

On the afternoon of Wednesday, September 23rd, a fire broke out in the Skidmore North Woods. Fall had just begun, and it was a dry, hot day. Just off the orange trail, a visitor of the woods noticed the distinct smell of smoke and called campus safety. Other visitors smelled it while they were trail running, hiking, and walking their dogs. The fire department was called, and they promptly arrived, found the small fire, and put it out.

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The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History

This past month Skidmore College welcomed Elizabeth Kolbert, author of the Pulitzer Prize winning book The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History back to campus. Sponsored by the the Saratoga Springs Public Library, the Gannett auditorium was nearly full with an overwhelming majority of older members of the community, along with a smattering of Skidmore students and faculty.

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United Nations General Assembly’s 72nd Session: A Briefing

The seventy-second United Nations General Assembly was held from Sep 12 to Sep 25 in New York City. Miroslav Lajčák, Foreign Minister of Slovakia, opened the Summit by speaking on migration, international terrorism, and world peace. President Donald Trump was openly criticized by several nations on his discord with the Paris Climate Agreement.

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