It was raining, of course. The kind of rain that doesn’t fall but sinks into you, deep into the marrow, until you feel as if your bones are heavy with it. The funeral procession moved in slow, stilted steps, a stream of black umbrellas bobbing like oil slicks under the bleak sky. I kept my distance, partly because I didn’t know the man well and partly because something wasn’t right.
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He isn’t a mighty dragon that any myths depict, bravely fighting off adventurers to protect his treasure, nor a fearsome companion that I soar through the skies with. You won’t see him on the battlefield, roaring with enough strength to shake the earth; in fact, he’s the quietest member of my family, squeaking only in surprise in the 20 gallons of water he lives in.
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I’ve been breathing for a while. I can feel the wood against my back, and taste the air. But my heart hasn’t started beating. It’s an odd feeling. I can tell that time has passed, and I can tell that my consciousness has returned, but my internal clock is still broken and my life hasn’t come back.
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An attack on the city was inevitable.
Granted, it was New York City.
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Between the current political climate, the pandemic, and the planet burning up, it’s very easy to fall into a pit of despair and feel like time is standing still. However, now that I am three months away from turning twenty, I’ve been reminiscing on the only point in my life where I took my time, and genuinely enjoyed being a child. This is for you Juliet, thank you for being a true friend.
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As stars and as earth
We stand side by side in each
Other’s arms. Oh!
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I would be glad to
Shine down upon your sad face
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“To be drunk on mimosas!”
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I wrote this when I was going through a friendship break up, but I kept it stored away in the void of my laptop, and it eventually collected dust because I wasn’t ready to share it at the time.
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Heaviness of my thoughts contrasts the stillness of the world of mountains.
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