Five Essential Dhall Life Hacks

Dhall is always there for you if you need something to satisfy the rumblings in your stomach. Unfortunately for everyone, Dhall might not always have the single item you are craving to devour, unless you are craving an omelet, cereal, or fries. Thankfully, there are murmurs of certain secret techniques that could satiate your culinary desires. Today, here are five DHall life hacks that will make your meal swipes even more useful.

5. Milkshake

By listing this here, it should be clear that these hacks are not that healthy for the most part; they average from ok to this. However, I can attest that these milkshakes are at least good enough to help you cool down during a heat wave. The first step is to grab a straw from Atrium. It’s just a straw, nobody will really care if you snag one for your snack. Now, go fill up a cup with either chocolate or vanilla soft serve ice cream. Ideally, you want your cup to be about 4/5 full, but feel free to use more or less if you want something thicker or thinner. Now, go grab some milk from cereal. Personally, I prefer whole milk, but in all honesty any milk will do. I hope you are ready to get your hands messy, because now you have to mix it. The best possible way to blend your milkshake is with a fork in the DIY sink, as not only do you not create a mess everywhere, but you also can wash your hands of all that milkshake residue. Now enjoy sipping on that milkshake as you cool yourself down or relax.

4. The Secret Cinnamon Buns

Unlike the other hacks on this list, the secret cinnamon buns are not something that you can make yourself: they require you to wait for them to appear. At pizza, sometimes they make cinnamon buns out of the dough. Speaking from experience, they turn out really well and are simply marvelous. Now, you could become friends with someone who works in dhall, specifically someone who works at pizza or a supervisor. However, if you are too lazy to do that there are some tips I can give you. Should pizza look like they are doing something besides the stereotypical dough rolling, it’s a good sign. Furthermore, these buns tend to come out after lunch is over, so if you are still in dhall around 4:10 PM, snag one!

3. Quesadilla

Originally I thought I was really smart for doing this, but apparently dhall liked what I did so much that they decided to have a DIY quesadilla area sometimes. I have absolutely zero evidence to prove that I inspired them but let me believe. Yet, these dhall DIY quesadilla stations are not always there. That does not mean the ingredients are not within reach though! Simply walk over to deli, and do your best attempt to charm the deli workers into just giving you a wrap of your choice, and maybe some of the cheese of your choice. The shredded cheese at DIY does work well, but I am partial to Munster myself. I do not think I need to explain how to make a quesadilla to you: it’s the most basic of basics. I do feel I should tell you that whenever diner has a meat that I like, such as grilled chicken, steak, or pulled pork, I like to chop that up and slip it into my quesadilla. Just remember to cut your quesadilla up, as it will be huge, and if you eat it whole people will definitely give you weird looks.

2. Cheese Fries

This has to be the simplest hack on here, but I honestly never see anyone do it. Diner has fries almost as much as I have the Skidmore plague, so almost every day except Wednesdays. Cheese can be snagged at deli or from DIY. Just dump your fries onto the DIY station like that fling you had in high school and let them heat up a little bit. Now you could put your cheese on top of the fries and wait for it to eventually melt, but let’s be honest: you don’t have time for that. So naturally, you probably are going to just put the cheese right to the fire and let it melt. Now just take your cheese and slide it on top of those fries like you are attempting to slide into someone’s Facebook DMS, except instead of spooking them you have cheesy goodness.

1.     Pancakes

As someone who happens to love breakfast, it makes me sad looking at the waffle iron in dhall. It looks like an old Vietnam War veteran, slowly reliving the best and worst days of his life, struggling to get by. Thankfully due to his sacrifice we have the waffle batter we need to make pancakes. It honestly is super easy to make pancakes, just dump the waffle batter onto the DIY station and watch the magic happen. Flip them when they have plenty of bubbles, as if you flip it too soon it looks like a crepe that really let itself go. If oatmeal is being served during breakfast, feel free to grab some blueberries or chocolate chips and drizzle them onto the pancake before you flip it. This hack has honestly saved me many a dhall visit: use it well.