A Good Time

Posted by Allison Smith Kitty is at a wedding. "Loosen up," Kitty's mom says while handing her a beer. She leaves Kitty standing alone, swaying back and forth on high heels. Kitty looks around, making awkward eye contact with strangers, as she stays perched in place. Kitty's drunken aunt wobbles over. Her aunt left no pause for Kitty to open her carefully painted red lips that perfectly matched shoes her mom bought her. "What are you doing tomorrow?" Kitty does not attempt to answer. "Well, tell your mom I am taking you out," Kitty's aunt throws her dead arm around her bare shoulders. "I'm taking you out for a good time." Kitty uncomfortably smiles with her mouth closed so no one can see her newly whitened teeth. "I am going to show you a good time." Kitty's aunt assures her. Kitty's uncle comes to pulls his tumbling second wife off of his petrified niece. "Honey, we are going to have a fucking good time." She loudly hisses in his ear. Emphasizing each word. This isn't the first wedding where his second wife has made the transformation from wearing a tight bun and sweater set to hair down and shirt un-tucked. Kitty's uncle escorts his second wife out off the hotel's reception hall. Kitty stares down at the beer she is holding with both hands. Her fingernails that were painted pink to match her strapless dress, tap against the glass. The man in charge of the music dances around in sunglasses while holding a purple plastic saxophone. "Twist!" He shouts. Kitty's cousin suddenly pulls her arm, and her beer almost spills. Kitty's cousin drags her forward, causing her to trip over her toes. Kitty's cousin tells her to quickly finish her drink so that they can go dance. Kitty watches him dance backwards away from her. He moves his hips back and forth and hangs his tongue out of his mouth. Kitty opens her eyes wide. Kitty bites the edge of her beer glass and pretends to drink. Kitty's red lipstick leaves her mark on the glass. Kitty's cousin comes back over, assuring her that she must be done by now. He finishes it for her then pushes her from behind onto the dance floor. Kitty stands in place, careful not to fall over, as her cousin dances around her. Kitty moves her hips quickly back and forth like she sees a few other people doing. Kitty's dress shakes, sways and wraps itself around her legs. Other girls look better than Kitty while dancing in their dresses that hug their legs closed together. A slow song starts to play and Kitty starts to move off the dance floor. Kitty's cousin stands in front of Kitty and puts his arms around Kitty's waist. He traps Kitty and forces Kitty to sway with him. Kitty keeps Kitty's head as far away from his body as possible.