What Should Title IX Be?

Over time, the definition of Title IX has broadened to include protections for victims of sexual harassment and sexual violence. Schools are legally required to respond and remedy “hostile education environments'' or risk losing their federal funding. By this definition, it is a school’s legal duty to protect those whose education is inhibited by sexual and gender based misconduct. They must protect survivors. So why isn’t Skidmore?

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Indian Nationalism Spurs Crackdown on Student Protesters

Imagine for a moment that Skidmore students have gathered in peaceful protest, only to be arrested by government police moments later. Despite how difficult it may be to visualize this scenario unfolding in Saratoga Springs, the same situation occurred just over a month ago at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in New Delhi, India, sparking waves of protest and debate over national identity. 

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