AI is a constant presence in today’s technology-driven society. I have Grammarly installed on my MacBook, and I’ve seen the AI Preview at the top of my search pages. There are many facets of my life where AI’s impact can be felt. However, AI should not be used (or at least not heavily relied upon) in academia, especially at the college level.
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Over the past few decades, student loan debt has been rising at an alarming rate. Today, the average college student has $25,000 in student loan debt. Since the 1980s, tuition at four-year colleges has skyrocketed, while Pell Grant relief from the federal government remains stagnant. It is rare that student debt borrowers graduate college with the ability to pay off that debt, and as many as one third of student borrowers fail to even graduate due to the financial burden of college tuition. On August 24th, President Biden followed through on his 2020 campaign promise to release a comprehensive plan to relieve student loan borrowers of some or all of their debt. The plan will strengthen and support the middle class.
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Hugo Genes sits at a long table at Sushi Thai Garden in downtown Saratoga Springs on a rainy Nov. 5 night. Stoic and sturdy with a handsomely-structured face, he greets us warmly as we walk in for the dinner-dialogue, an event sponsored by the MDOCs program and Associate Dean of the Faculty Ron Seyb. After this dinner, Genes will adjourn to Emerson Auditorium, to premiere his latest feature-length independent film, Collegetown.
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When YOLO (You Only Live Once) became a part of our modern language, it seemed that college students used it as an excuse for getting drunk on weekends. This YOLO-culture perpetuated the unrealistic idea that what happens in college, stays in college.
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