Blame It On The Planets: What’s The Word on Mercury Retrograde?

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Read Ahead to Find Out How Mercury Retrograde Affects Your Sign!

The phrase “Mercury Retrograde” is frequently tossed around in pop culture–such as on TikTok and other social media platforms– but what does it mean and why do tarot-reading-yerba-mate-crystal-girls start freaking out every time it happens? Well, when a planet is in retrograde, it moves backwards in complete opposition to other planets in its solar system. This winter, Mercury retrograde lasts from December 28th to January 18th. So, what exactly do planets being in retrograde have anything to do with our lives? Well, in Vedic astrology–which is also known as Hindu astrology, though many do not know because for astrology these days is largely associated with Gen Z’s interpretation of it–each planet in our solar system represents a different aspect of our personality. You may hear people talk about their “Big Three'' when referring to their Zodiac signs, which refers to someone’s Sun sign, Moon sign, and Rising sign. Our sun sign represents who we are at our core, and our moon sign represents our inner emotions and how we connect with others. 

My sun is in Sagittarius– meaning I’m usually very fun-loving and adventurous– and my moon is in Cancer– meaning I’m very both intuitive and sensitive, and care deeply about others. Mercury, on the other hand, is seen as the ruler of communication; our Mercury sign tells us how we both speak and communicate with others as well as how we rationalize. For example, my Mercury is in Capricorn, meaning that I think things out methodically and usually speak very openly.

With that being said, when Mercury is in retrograde, our communication with others, reasoning abilities, and behaviors towards others may completely shift. Many people in particular who are familiar with Vedic astrology associate Mercury retrograde with people from one’s past reentering their lives –including ex-partners–as well as poor communication with other people. People are advised not to reconnect with people from their past during Mercury retrograde because of the fact that our communication is altered and we are more likely to act on impulse. Some people even go so far as to say that Mercury retrograde can also interfere with our technology and travel plans. But, of course, the “truth” behind all of these statements relies on your own individual views on spirituality and science. 

With that being said, some of these things may seem more significant than others; moreover, some of these things to a skeptic just sound like generalized statements that could occur literally at any other point in time. For example, getting a 3 A.M. call from your ex could happen five months from now – or maybe you’re the ex that will be doing the reaching out, and to that I say, you can do better– but avid astrologers truly believe that communication issues are especially heightened during a Mercury Retrograde because Mercury is seen as the “messenger planet.” 

Now that you’re more familiar with Mercury Retrograde in basic terms, how does Mercury Retrograde affect you, specifically, based on your zodiac sign? Well, people who are most affected by Mercury retrograde are people whose zodiac signs are either Virgo or Gemini because these two signs are ruled by Mercury. Virgos and Geminis can expect to feel the “effects” of Mercury retrograde the hardest, such as experiencing inconveniences in communication, travel, and technology in addition to trouble connecting with past partners or friends. Virgos and Geminis can also expect to experience miscommunications within the workplaces and may struggle balancing work and social life. 

As for the other zodiac signs, Mercury retrograde should not hit as hard; however, the effects of Mercury retrograde are not totally gone. While Virgos and Geminis will feel the effects of Mercury Retrograde the most, the other signs will also experience past partners resurfacing, miscommunication with others, and will also find themselves engaging in self-reflection.With this Mercury retrograde in the sign of Capricorn, themes of career, self-image, and ambitions will be most present.

Still want to know a bit more? Here’s a more in-depth horoscope for each zodiac sign and how Mercury retrograde will affect them.

Aquarius (January 20th-February 18th)

You may find yourself reflecting on your past– specifically moments from your past that you may have repressed– and this may cause you some stress. Though this may feel emotionally taxing, this Mercury retrograde may force you to deal with aspects from your past you may have repressed. Use this as a time for healing and keep your best foot forward.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

For Pisces, there will be a large emphasis on cutting out what no longer serves you. This could refer to friendships, but also to the way in which you act. As you’re reflecting on both past and current relationships, keep asking yourself the same question: what no longer serves me? Don’t let people who are no longer relevant take up any more headspace. 

Aries (March 21st - April 19th)

This Mercury retrograde will be a hard-hitter for you, Aries. During this time, you may find yourself thinking a lot about past relationships and partners as this retrograde primarily takes place in your seventh house of partnerships. You may even be inclined to reach out to your ex/es and may also hear from them. Additionally, you may experience some miscommunications and misunderstandings with others. Don’t dwell too much on the past during this time, despite any inclinations to. Focus on healing and working on yourself.

Taurus (April 20th - May 20th)

This Mercury retrograde, you may find yourself feeling very burnt out and losing a sense of daily routine. Your communication with others may feel flaky and you may feel less motivated to get work done. This is a good time to prioritize your needs and think about the way you go about and do things: what’s working for you and what’s inhibiting you from being your best, most productive self?

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

Gemini, you will find this Mercury retrograde to be especially challenging. During this time, you may find yourself reflecting on both current and past relationships, especially ones that you may associate with certain traumas. There may be a heavy emphasis on your relationships with not just friends or partners, but also with family members. Use this as a time to both forgive others, but also to forgive yourself. Hold yourself and others accountable for poor actions. 

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

For you, Cancer, you may find yourself dealing with heavy misunderstanding and miscommunication: especially with past partners. You may hear from people from your past, especially people you have unfinished business with. Additionally, you may find yourself dealing with troubles with people close to you. Don’t let the past bother you too much; instead, focus on “fixing” your relationships with people you matter most to you. 

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

During this Mercury retrograde, there will be a large emphasis on your work life and career, making you more inclined to focus on your work and your career. Take this as a time to focus on your work values and ethics. How important is your career/job and/or studies to you, and do they take priority above all else?

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

Virgos will find themselves feeling the effects of this Mercury retrograde the hardest out of all the signs. Expect miscommunication with others and don’t be surprised if you hear from people from your past. Most importantly, though, you may find yourself reevaluating your values, for this Mercury retrograde will be testing your self-worth. Make sure to stay true to yourself and guard your self-worth and don’t get distracted by obstacles that may be in your way.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

You may find yourself totally re-evaluating your self-image, for as you may or may not know, a common trait of Libras is that they care a lot about their self-image. Take this as a time to focus on yourself and set your priorities straight. Don’t rely so much on others during this time; focus on what makes you happy and what is important to you. 

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

During this Mercury retrograde, you may find yourself struggling with your self-esteem and self-worth. You may find yourself beating yourself up for past mistakes. However, this will be a time for you to reconnect with people from your past and perhaps even make new friends. For you, this is a time to focus on your social life: who do you want to get closer to and who no longer serves you? 

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

During this time, you may be experiencing a lot of miscommunication, especially with friends. This may incline you to reach out to people from your past and reflect on your social life. You may want to take this as a time for self-reevaluation–are you projecting your true self to others? 

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

Capricorn: out of all the signs, this Mercury Retrograde will be hitting you the hardest. During this time, you may feel inclined to try new things and to make career advancements. You may also find yourself heavily reflecting on your own self-image. Listen to your intuition and don’t be afraid to take chances. Use this time to explore new interests and to utilize this boost of spontaneity and productivity.  

Other Sources

Backlund, Roya. “How Mercury Retrograde Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign (from September to October 2022).” StyleCaster, StyleCaster, 9 Sept. 2022,