Breaking Through Boundaries: Dr Yusef Salaam Addresses the Skidmore Community

One of the younger boys that was wrongfully convicted for six and a half years, Yusef Salaam, spoke to Skidmore students this past Thursday, March 6th, hosting both a student workshop in the afternoon and a live Q&A later at night. Given how far-reaching Salaam’s story is, it was an honor to hear him speak about his commitment to advocacy and education regarding police brutality, misconduct, and racial bias in the American criminal justice system.

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Black Residents’ Concerns about Systemic Racism Met by Disregard during Saratoga Springs Community Forum

A virtual community forum hosted on Wednesday evening by the Saratoga Springs Police Department and city Public Safety Commissioner Robin Dalton, has garnered deep frustration from the community members in attendance.

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#WhyDidDarrylDie: The Police Brutality Case that Strikes Close to Home

I first heard about the death of Darryl Mount Jr. in April of 2018. I remember the day clearly because I had come to the Saratoga Springs City Hall to interview Mayor Meg Kelly for a statement on the recent sightings of KKK flyers downtown. During our conversation, Mayor Kelly mentioned that she had been working closely with the local police department--particularly with the then-Police Chief Greg Veitch-- on preserving the town’s safety and ensuring that this would not happen again. It struck me during our interview that I needed to learn more about the city’s police department as our local authority of protection. After, I googled the Saratoga Springs Police Department and fell into the story of Darryl Mount Jr.  

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The Book That Did Not Change America

The incoming freshman class was required to read Randall Fuller’s The Book That Changed America, focusing on how Darwin’s theory settled slavery disputes. But was it Darwin’s theory that changed America, or was it the cumulative efforts of activists already campaigning in the field that brought about social change?

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