The Met Gala Was “Wack This Year," & Not Just For Its Fashion!

This year’s theme was “In America: A Lexicon of Fashion,” which was more broad than others have been in the past. Although the invitees and panel of hosts (Naomi Osaka, Timothée Chalame, Billie Eilish, and Amanda Gorman) seemed to promote diversity, the way in which the protest outside of the event was handled itself showcased how America typically chooses to operate when it comes to the treatment of Black and Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC). As a person who adores and appreciates fashion, the Met Gala is usually an event that I am excited about; but as a Black person, the situation that occurred outside of the event this year is something that is difficult for me to ignore.

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The 2021 Met Gala: A Missed Opportunity

This year's theme was "In America: A Lexicon of Fashion." One would think with two years of preparation, tons of inspiration from the recent turbulent times in America, and the opportunity to attend such a huge event after years spent inside, the Met Gala guests would take this opportunity to make some commentary on American politics or pop culture. One might think this, yes, but they would be wrong.

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