Letter of Support for Non-Tenure-Track Faculty at Skidmore College

The non-tenure-track (NTT) faculty at Skidmore College have made known their desire to form a union with Faculty Forward/SEIU. We, the undersigned faculty, wish to express our support of our colleagues in this effort. 

NTT faculty play a critical role at Skidmore College, yet these dedicated teacher-scholars lack representation at Skidmore, often face precarious employment situations, receive limited benefits, and lack institutional career support. Creating an environment that more strongly fosters support and stability for everyone who teaches at Skidmore College will, we believe, benefit our students, our faculty, the cultures within our departments, and the success and mission of the institution as a whole. 

We urge the Skidmore College administration and Board of Trustees to maintain a welcoming stance towards the efforts of NTT faculty to unionize by respecting the democratic process and allowing for a free and fair election. 

It is a fundamental moral and legal right of workers to organize and unite in order to seek equitable working conditions. Moreover, we recognize that exercising this right is a demonstration of Skidmore College’s commitment to diversity and inclusiveness, and to the well-being and health of our community. We express our solidarity with our colleagues in their efforts to attain better wages and benefits, job security, and improved working conditions.


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