Open Letter From Non-Tenure-Track Faculty At Skidmore College

On Wednesday April 27th non-tenure-track (NTT) faculty at Skidmore College released a letter informing the community of the formation of a new NTT faculty union through Service Employee's International Union (SEIU). The full letter can be found below.

To the Skidmore community,

Non-tenure-track (NTT) faculty are a vital part of Skidmore. Counting part-time faculty, nearly half of all Skidmore’s faculty are NTT, and NTT faculty account for more than a third of the College's full-time faculty.[1] We are some of the first faculty Skidmore students encounter in their journey on campus. We serve these students as mentors, advising and guiding their studies. Many NTT faculty serve in administrative roles, running programs and departments, offering events and coordinating community engagement. Like our tenure-line colleagues, we pursue our own research and creative agendas; our work appears in journals, galleries, and performance venues locally and nationwide. Our labor is an essential part of what makes Skidmore College the exceptional school and community it is.

But despite our extensive contributions, Skidmore’s non-tenure track faculty are not afforded adequate job security, resources, or support. Parents and students are often shocked to learn that so many of Skidmore’s faculty are employed on iterative terminal contracts, despite filling roles that meet permanent curricular needs, and that we receive significantly lower rates of pay and support than our tenure-track colleagues. We exist in a state of perpetual job insecurity, without meaningful opportunities for advancement, all while doing labor that is essential to the success of Skidmore’s students and the campus’s reputation for excellence.

Such inequities are inconsistent with Skidmore’s stated mission. The college calls on us to

create a socially just world that honors the dignity and worth of each individual….[O]ur community is most inclusive when all members participate to their full capacity in the spirited and sometimes challenging conversations that are at the center of the college's educational mission.[2]

Committing to this mission means working to build a just world, in which all are afforded the resources, stability, and professional dignity necessary to fully participate in the intellectual and creative life of the college; to do so, Skidmore must address the unjust labor practices on its own campus.

To address these needs, non-tenure track faculty at Skidmore College have joined together to establish a NTT faculty union through Service Employees International Union (SEIU). With our colleagues locally and nationwide in SEIU’s Faculty Forward movement, we are committed to advocating for just labor practices here at Skidmore and across higher education. We come together in support of the following principles:

●      Job Security. The current system of serial terminal contracts is a disservice to us, to the campus, and most importantly to our students. We seek an end to the practice of using short-term employment to meet long-term curricular needs, and call on the College to convert iterative terminal lines to renewable, stable positions, and to use terminal contracts only to fulfill clearly defined short-term needs, such as sabbatical replacements.

●      A Voice on Campus. Without adequate job security, NTT faculty are limited in our ability to effectively advocate for our needs on campus, both in our departments and at the college level. Because of this, decisions about NTT policies are often made by the administration without our involvement. We are forming a union to serve as a representative voice for NTT faculty, securing our ability to shape the policies that most directly affect us.

●      Pay Equity. NTT pay at Skidmore averages significantly below salaries for comparable tenure-track lines and below American Association of University Professors reported averages for NTT lines.[3] Faculty in programs such as music and world languages, cornerstone programs of Skidmore’s curriculum, have not received contact hour pay increases in many years, despite a considerable increase in market rates for these positions. We call for the college to increase wages, support NTT professional development, and offer benefits for part-time faculty.

We are calling for these changes with the conviction that they are crucial to the wellbeing of the whole Skidmore community. By addressing the working conditions of non-tenure-track faculty, the College will significantly improve the learning conditions of our students and support our community’s commitment to equity and justice. We encourage the administration to voluntarily recognize our union and to begin good-faith negotiations.

In solidarity,

Karen Arciero, Senior Instructor, Health and Human Physiological Sciences

Jennifer Ashlock, Visiting Assistant Professor, Sociology

Luke Baker, Lecturer, Music

Diana Barnes, Senior Teaching Professor, World Languages and Literatures

Angela Beallor-Press, Documentarian in Community Co-Creation, MDOCS

Susan Blake, Visiting Assistant Professor, Philosophy

Kate Bouchard, Senior Artist-in-Residence, Theater

Victoria Leigh Brown, Visiting Assistant Professor, International Affairs

Lindsay Buchman, Visiting Assistant Professor, Art

Rafael Burgos-Mirabal, Instructor, Management and Business

Colleen Burke, Executive in Residence, Management and Business

Richard Cherry, Lecturer, Music

Carol Chiarella, Lecturer, Management and Business

Nicole Coady, Lecturer, Media and Film Studies

Adam Cottle, Metadata Librarian

Archana Suresh Cukkemane, Lecturer, English

Ana Dugan, Instructor, World Languages and Literatures

Olivia Dunn, Senior Teaching Professor, English

Timothy Freiermuth, Senior Lecturer, World Languages and Literatures

Jennifer Fawcett, Visiting Assistant Professor, English

Sarah Friedland, Teaching Professor and  Storytellers’ Institute Director, MDOCS

Lisa Grady-Willis, Teaching Professor, Intergroup Relations

Charlene M. Grant, Senior Lecturer, World Languages and Literatures

Casey Gray, Lecturer and Private Music Instructor, Music

Patte Hadfield, Accompanist and Lecturer, Music and Dance

Greg Hrbek, Distinguished Writer-In-Residence, English

Adam Hutcheson, Lecturer, Music

L. Caitlin Jorgensen, Interim Director of the Writing Center and Teaching Professor, English

Tom Johnson, Visiting Assistant Professor, Music

Daniel Johnston, Visiting Assistant Professor, Mathematics and Statistics

Susanne Kerekes, Visiting Assistant Professor, Religious Studies

Young Kim, Visiting Senior Artist-in-Residence, Music

Christine Kopec, Senior Teaching Professor, Management & Business

Douglas Kowaleski, Lecturer, Psychology

Elaine Larson, Senior Instructor, Biology

Eric Latini, Instructor, Music

​​Beatriz Loyola, Senior Teaching Professor, World Languages and Literatures

Trish Lyell, Teaching Professor, Art

Rachel Mann-Rosan, Senior Teaching Professor, Psychology

Ruth McAdams, Teaching Professor, English

Peter McCarthy, Senior Teaching Professor, Social Work

Anyeline Mejia-McDonald, Visiting Assistant Professor, History

Peter Murray, Teaching Professor, Philosophy

Jesse O’Connell, Assistant Director, MDOCS

Amy Oh, Teaching Professor, Classics

David Otto, Lecturer, Dance

Lowery Parker, Visiting Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies and Sciences

Mike Paulmeno, Systems Librarian

Kristi Peterson, Visiting Assistant Professor, Art History

Floydd Ricketts, Visiting Assistant Professor, Music

Tatiana Schnieder, Visiting Assistant Professor, Neuroscience

Jenessa Seymour, Visiting Assistant Professor, Psychology

Kazimer Skubi, Visiting Assistant Professor, Chemistry

Eileen Sperry, Lecturer, English

Gregory Spinner, Teaching Professor, Religious Studies

Csilla Szabo, Teaching Professor, Mathematics and Statistics

Masami Tamagawa, Visiting Assistant Professor, World Languages and Literatures

Catherine Talley, Teaching Professor, World Languages and Literatures

Alexander Turpin, Instructor, Music

Jan Vinci, Distinguished Artist-in-Residence, Music

Fang Wang, Instructor, World Languages and Literatures

Li Zhang, Social Science and Data Librarian

[signatories as of April 27, 2022 12:10pm]

[1] For AY 2021/22, Skidmore employed 114 full-time and 80 part-time NTT faculty.

[2], emphasis added.
