Finally Home: Code Blue Settles into New Two Year Location

(Image taken from here.)

It has already been a long winter for Saratoga’s emergency shelter, Code Blue. But, finally, relief is in the air, as they settle into their new location for the next two seasons: 4 Adelphi St. 

Over the past several months, Code Blue encountered many obstacles in the search for a new location - angry neighbors, a court battle, and asbestos to name a few. All of the controversies surrounding Code Blue’s permanent location pushed the shelter into the limelight of the most recent local elections. It was a primary issue on the campaign lines of numerous candidates.

Code Blue hoped to open their doors in mid-November, however asbestos was found during renovations of the new building. The shelter was forced to temporarily move to the Saratoga County Fire Training Center in Milton for its first month of operation in 2019, which was not ideal and eight miles from downtown Saratoga. 

On the morning of Dec. 9, 2019, the all-clear was given for Code Blue to move into their new home. 

A former car detailing shop on South Broadway, 4 Adelphi Street is more than fit to house Code Blue for the next two winters. 

According to Karen Gregory, the executive director of the homeless shelter, the new location offers advantages such as its proximity to mental health services – the Saratoga County Mental Health Clinic and the Transitional Services Association are across the street. And this time, Saratoga residents are in agreement with the shelter.

Eric Lawson, a member of the Saratoga Springs Southeast Neighbors Group, claims that the news of the new location was “received with a great deal of relief since the location not only assures basic protection from the elements, but it is situated near facilities that offer services that are appropriate for some of the Code Blue patrons.” 

Since its opening in 2013, the emergency homeless shelter has bounced around the Saratoga county in search of a permanent home. Although 4 Adelphi Street is more than adequate for the coming winters, it is unfortunately not a permanent solution. 

Hopefully by the winter of 2021-2022, Code Blue will have secured their permanent location in Saratoga county; however, for the time being, the shelter is establishing its new home. 

As winter continues, be sure to keep up to date on Code Blue’s needs and progress by visiting their website and/or Facebook page