How to Have "Safe" Fun at Skidmore This Semester

Graphic cover by Chris Arnold.

Major in-person community events both on Skidmore’s campus and in the town of Saratoga Springs have made it challenging for students to keep up with their social lives. The town of Saratoga Springs is known for its beautiful summer and fall scenery, followed by fun Halloween and Thanksgiving events that have now unfortunately been cancelled or made socially-distanced. Experiencing the fall in Saratoga Springs is the best time for students to truly feel like the "typical college student"—ravishing in the change of weather, roasting smores on Skidmore's fire pit, or participating in on-campus or town events. With our seniors feeling nostalgic of fun memories of the past and our new freshman possibly feeling uneasy with this new college culture, Skidmore must provide new ways for students to make the most of their time on campus! Here are ten ways to have "safe" fun on or off campus:

1. Join Virtual Club Meetings

All active clubs will mostly be online this semester. This transition is new for both E-Board members and old club members, since building community within clubs happens mostly through in-person events. However, joining a Zoom session can help create relationships with new people, despite the inability to meet in-person. Update your Skidsync, follow club social platforms, and join email lists to engage with clubs that have major upcoming events!

2. Lay down on the green near Skidmore's Haupt Pond 

The sunny and hot days in Saratoga Springs are what Skidmore students cherish! The green makes our campus attractive & beautiful, especially when watching the sunset, reading a book, or having a socially distanced hang out with your friends. Take advantage of this soon because days are now becoming limited with chilly mornings—and even colder nights.  

3. Walk the North Woods Trails

The Red, Orange, Green, Blue, and Yellow trails can take you on a whole adventure through Skidmore's North Woods. Grab a friend or two and explore the North Woods together and get some exercise in! If you want more info about how to keep yourself safe while hiking a trail or curious about the woods around us, the Sustainability Office is very welcoming to all questions! You can find a guiding trails map and facts about the woods on the college's website: 

4. Attend Spiritual and Wellness Events 

The Office of Spiritual and Religious Life (OSRL) at Skidmore has begun advertising their campus events for students who need a space to destress and have a moment to take care of their minds and bodies! Currently, ORSL is having their weekly "SkidMORE MINDFULness" events, such as yoga classes, Mindful Meditation, and Zen Meditation events through Zoom. Also, ORSL has posted their event calendar of religious holidays and events coming up on their website! Get updates from ORSL by following their Instagram social media page: @skidmore_orsl or details on the Skidmore website to see more details:

5. Virtual Netflix Party with friends!

One of the greatest platforms Netflix has created for virtual movie night!! Get your friends together and download the Netflix Party app on your web browser to connect. Since "spooky season" is approaching, here are some recommended movies/shows to watch: 

  1. Ratched (2020)

  2. Red Dragon (2002)

  3. In The Tall Grass (2019)

  4. Sleepy Hollow (1999)

  5. Sinister (2015)

  6. The Girl With All The Gifts (2016)

  7. Bates Motel (2017)

  8. Insidious (2010)

  9. Haunting on Hill House (2017)

  10. Stranger Things (2019) 

6. Outdoor Restaurant Dining 

The town of Saratoga Springs has accommodated many of their popular restaurants to have outdoor and socially distancing dining. If you want to grab a bite at outside dining or enjoy the nightlife with your friend(s), and do it safely, there are some options below or look through this article for more restaurants and cafes,

  1. Bailey's Cafe 

  2. Beer Wine Pizza

  3. Cantina 

  4. Harvey's Restaurant and Bar

  5. 30 Lakes

  6. The Brook Tavern 

  7. Palette Cafe 

  8. Wasabi: All-You-Can-Eat Sushi

7. Get Your Cardio Up!

Without the usual traffic of students walking and bustling around campus, it's become easier to be outside and in solitude! Put your mask on and get your cardio up on the track or around the green. The best times to run are mornings and mid afternoons; you can enjoy the sunrise and sunset!

8. Find New Recipes 

If you live in an on/off campus home or apartment, looking through a recipe book or your favorite food recipe apps can be a fun way to learn new ways to cook different dishes. You can "spice" up your cooking skills and flaunt them off to friends and family! For beginners, some really great free mobile apps to try are Tasty!, BBC Good Foods, Food Network Kitchen, and Cookpad. 

9. Explore Potential Hobbies 

Zoom university has taken over our lives! However, it's also the best time to learn a new hobby or pick up a new skill. Some students on campus have been doing interesting and creative hobbies. Destiny Donelson '21 is doing virtual Tarot Card Readings! Her prices: $7 for 3 card spreads, $15 for 6 card spreads & advice (if needed), and $25 for 9 card spreads. You can contact her through email,, for personal readings! Also, Ushna Saeed '22, started embroidery as a junior in high school where her mother taught and inspired her to create custom pieces. Most of her work is inspired by her Pakistani heritage, and so far, most of her work has ranged from $15-$30! She usually creates pieces that have desired quotes people would like on accessories or hung up on their walls. You can contact Ushna through email, or through her small business' Instagram page, @stitchistan. Check out her page because all her custom pieces are extremely beautiful and worth having one! Here are a few photos of her work: 

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10. Actively Learn About the World!

Keep yourself updated and informed with the news! You can always watch local and national news on YouTube or explore media clips on online news websites, such as CNN, NBC News, or USNews. The nation and the world are at a pinnacle right now with the detrimental impacts of climate change, social injustices, upcoming presidential elections, and many more issues arising during these past months. Keep yourself updated, and ensure that your friends are doing so too!