Cheese Rolling...That's a Thing?

Yes, Cheese Rolling is a thing. It is an activity that produces some of the most laughable yet cringe-worthy moments that I have ever seen on YouTube. The most famous Cheese Rolling event is the annual Cooper’s Hill Cheese Rolling and Wake, which takes place in Gloucester, England. The competition is largely unregulated and unmanaged, but there are a few rules in cheese-rolling; the most important rule is that the contestants cannot start running until the cheese is rolled.

So, this is how the event goes down: a bunch of people stand on top of a very steep hill and wait for the cheese-holder to roll a round 7-9lb block of cheese. Once the cheese is rolled, contestants run down the hill as fast as they can with the goal of either catching the cheese (which can reach speeds up of up to 70mph) or simply being the first to cross the finish line. The victor wins the block of cheese. The entire event looks like this.

Now, imagine running down the steepest hill you know of, on a mixed surface of holes and rocks, with 19 other people alongside you. To me, it sounds like an accident waiting to happen. Indeed, Cheese Rolling is exactly that. As you can see in this video, falls and tumbles are quite common and can lead to injuries, some of which are admittedly hilarious.

I’m not sure why people partake in this odd event, but it is extremely entertaining and makes for some incredible Youtube contests. And yes, this IS a thing.