Using The Power of Distinction to stand out and move up: Karen Hinds to help students prepare for their careers

Posted by Julia Leef

At 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 29 in Davis Auditorium, CEO and founder of Workplace Success Group Karen Hinds will speak to the students about the seven master strategies of The Power of Distinction, covering topics such as how to be globally competitive by developing strategic alliances, strengthening communication skills, projecting a professional image and operating in your natural talent.

A graduate of Bowdoin College, Hinds emigrated from the Caribbean island of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and has worked and traveled internationally as a Watson Foundation Fellow and as a consultant and author. She is the author of five books and is a regular guest on TV and radio programs.

Hinds helps young professionals discover their power of distinction and use it to stand out and move up.  Through her Power of Distinction College Tour, Hinds travels to colleges, inspiring and offering practical and strategic advice to college students.

"I do this work because I made my fair share of career-limiting moves right after college and want to see students avoid those costly errors. It's not just about avoiding mistakes, but [also about] being savvy enough to act strategically throughout the career-building process,"  Hinds said.

The Power of Distinction College Tour will make stops at campuses in Connecticut, New York and Tennessee later this spring.

Hinds said she hopes she will have students leaving with a newfound sense of drive, a strategic approach to building their careers and the motivation to succeed beyond graduation.

For more information on Karen Hinds and Workplace Success Group, visit: