Letter: Our dialogues are very big news

Posted by Sarah Goodwin

It was gratifying to read your coverage of the Teach-In on February 24 in which a series of speakers addressed issues related to race and the criminal justice system in the context of recent events here in Saratoga that affected our students. Given that your article notes there were more than 200 people in attendance — the Spa was standing-room — only, indicating considerable student interest in the Teach-In—it surprises me that your story is listed 6th in the list of stories for last week's paper, behind news about a new café in the library, a new SGA digital coordinator, and four other stories. When in recent history has there been a similar community gathering? I recall a Teach-In on Haiti after the earthquake, also well attended. This one had the added dimension that it bears directly on our students' lives here at Skidmore and in the community. I would have expected Alex Brehm's report to be the lead story for the day. We are not yet done with the troubling matters that the Teach-In addressed; we've barely begun.