Posted by Max Siegelbaum
On May 5, the Fox Glove Company will begin its performances of the Decemberists's 2009 album, "The Hazards of Love."
Created and directed by Sara Jane Munford ‘11 and co-directed by Samuel Kahler ‘11, the performance will be a multi-media staging of the work.
"The Hazards of Love" is a rock opera that tells the story of a woman named Margaret (Angela Cascone '12), and the shape shifting William (Kelsey Hull '13).
The two fall in love, but come into conflict with William's mother, the Queen of the Forest (Grace Troxwell '13) and her henchman, the evil Rake (Adrienne Schaffler '13).
The performance will run straight through the album, using choreography to tell the fantastical story. The music itself portrays a dynamic range of style and sensation, which helps lend itself to a wide range of actions and emotions for the actors to display.
To stage the performance, the company built an elaborate set in a warehouse 20 minutes away from campus.
Under the guidance of Skip Suva '11 and Tom Meredith ‘11, the company transformed the space into a veritable set piece that could stand alone as an art exhibition.
Suva and Meredith divided the space into several different sets that center around a massive white tree.
In one area designated as the "Queen's Root Castle," white tendrils protrude from the ceiling to create the sinister and surreal home of the Queen. Dark and foreboding scenes painted by Abel Mills '11 and Hannah Mode '11 surround the main stage.
The space is designed to work as a "360 degree performance," Munford said. The actors will play their roles weaving in and out of the audience, using the entire space in the performance.
Several life-sized puppets created by a four person team of puppeteers led by Jeremy Ohinger '13 will be included in the performance. An animation by Galen Koch '11 will also be screened during the show.
"Hazards of Love" premieres on May 5 and performances will continue from May 7- 8 and 13- 15. Attendees should meet at Case at 7:30 p.m. before each show.
Audience members will receive a free CD of music to listen to on the way to the warehouse. The CD features a mix of relevant music selected by Munford and Kahler.
Audience members will also receive a program that will detail the history of the company and provide a synopsis of the story. All shows start at 8 p.m.
Tickets are free, but to attend the show, spots can be reserved by emailing or calling (713) 816-5553. Transportation is limited, so it is encouraged to carpool to the performance space.