Democracy Matters: A letter from the chapter founder

Posted by Juanita Tabb '15

Skidmore students are actively working to get big money out of politics and people back in! A new club, Democracy Matters, is exploring the dominance of big money donors to political campaigns and what we can do about it and the political corruption it creates.

Democracy Matters is a non-profit, non-partisan, grassroots, student organization that fights to take back our democracy from wealthy corporate donors and to end the corruption that over 80% of New Yorkers think is rampant in Albany. Striving to create the next generation of social justice leaders, Democracy Matters provides hands-on organizing projects to support democracy-strengthening reforms of social justice issues such as the environment, funding for higher education and student loans, economic inequality, civil rights, and the availability of good-paying jobs.

The Skidmore Democracy Matters chapter has been organizing discussions with faculty on issues of money and politics, screening documentaries, tabling, planning a poetry slam and music festival and much more. Next semester we will be lobbying our elected officials to pass "Fair Elections," which would reduce corruption and give all New Yorkers a voice.  Most importantly, Skidmore Democracy Matters wants to create a non-partisan but politically engaged student body devoted to real social change. 

Since my involvement in the Democracy Matters club on campus, I have felt inspired to change public policies and to stand up for what I believe in. I am more politically aware and believe that students can make a difference and build a democracy that is fair, inclusive and responsive to all citizens.  Join Democracy Matters and learn how you can become an advocate and make your voice heard.  Contact or go to We need your help creating a government of, by, and for all citizens -- not just wealthy funders and lobbyists!