Posted by Julia Leef
This week, Career Services has hosted a variety of programs for students concerning jobs and graduate schools, culminating in Career Jam, an event that allows students to connect with parents and alumni who work a wide variety of careers.
The College played host to many visiting graduate schools, including Fordham University of Education, Whitman School of Management at Syracuse University and Albany Law School. These schools have had booths set up in Case Center, where students may speak with them and learn more information about their programs.
There were also two information sessions on Oct. 5 and 6 concerning the job-shadowing program, which students must apply for by Oct. 28.
On Oct. 14, students will have the opportunity to speak to volunteers from many different industries, allowing them to make connections and learn more about their fields of interest. An informational meeting on how best to capitalize on this networking event, "How to Get the Most Out of Career Jam," took place on Oct. 13.
"The event is a collaboration between the Parents Council, the Alumni Association and Career Services," said Deborah Loffredo, director of Career Services. "We reach out to recruit volunteers who are parents, alumni and friends of the College to come network with the students so that they can learn about careers within a diverse set of industries."
Participants in Career Jam come from a wide variety of fields, including the military, advertising, the performing arts, business entrepreneurship, psychology, medicine and cell biology.
Students will be provided with short volunteer bios, suggested questions to ask and networking tips. Volunteers are encouraged to promote job openings and shadowing opportunities, and to aid students in their career pursuits.
Loffredo suggests that students follow-up with the volunteers with whom they speak, and to keep in touch in case a position opens up sometime in the future. For other opportunities outside of Career Jam, she suggests visiting Career Services for counseling and checking out its website for a list of upcoming events and opportunities, including a Living the Liberal Arts workshop at 6 p.m. Oct. 17.
Career Services encourages all students of all years to start networking at an early stage. "It's never too early to start thinking about internships," Loffredo said.
Career Jam will take place from 3 to 5 p.m. Oct. 14 on the second floor of the Murray-Aikins Dining Hall. Students are advised to dress professionally.