Posted by Eric Stumpf
Wes Anderson's "Moonrise Kingdom" opens at the Saratoga Film Forum at 7:30 p.m. this Thursday, Sept. 27. The film also runs on Friday, Sept. 28 at the same time, and again at 7 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 30.
Anderson's newest film is charming and unconventionally (but unconditionally) romantic. While having little foundation in the real world, "Moonrise Kingdom" is still somehow genuine and real - more so than a conventional film that asks you to accept its action as reality. Moonrise Kingdom doesn't talk down to you; it doesn't try to be something that it's not.
The movie begins with a man addressing the audience directly - in a way, saying "this is a movie, let your imagination take over because in this world, anything is possible." It tells the story of two young lovers, Sam (Jared Gilman) and Suzy (Kara Hayward), who run away from home to meet each other in the wilderness. The romance between the two will remind you of the first time you fell in love.
The cast is magnificent. Wes Anderson pairs big name stars with several child actors with no film experience, creating truly dramatic and comical situations. Captain Sharp (Bruce Willis), Mr. Bishop (Bill Murray) and Scout Master Ward (Ed Norton) form a comic powerhouse of deadpan, depressive middle-aged men that should not be missed. These characters transform a seemingly trivial crisis into an adventure of epic proportions and dire consequences.
The direction, costumes and set design are as wonderful as they always tend to be in Wes Anderson films. There are no complaints here. Go see this movie: I'll see you there because I'm sure as hell going again.
Relevant Majors: Performing Arts, Psychology, Sociology, English, Studio Art, Environmental Studies and Music.
Look out next week for a review of "Beasts of the Southern Wild," coming to the Film Forum on Oct. 4.