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On Tuesday, February 25, negotiating representatives from the Skidmore College Administration and the Skidmore non-tenure track (NTT) faculty Union reached a tentative Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) for fair contracts. Voting on the CBA will occur on March 17-18, and the agreement will pass if the Union reaches a majority vote.
AI is a constant presence in today’s technology-driven society. I have Grammarly installed on my MacBook, and I’ve seen the AI Preview at the top of my search pages. There are many facets of my life where AI’s impact can be felt. However, AI should not be used (or at least not heavily relied upon) in academia, especially at the college level.
Oscars season has officially begun. This year's prizewinner seems to be Jacques Audiard’s Emilia Pérez with 13 nominations. A few months ago, these nominations wouldn’t have raised any eyebrows. But to many who watched the film afterward, the Academy seemed to be behind on the conversation surrounding it.
A 19-year-old boy drops out of college and travels from St. Louis County, Minnesota, to New York City with a guitar and a case of harmonicas. That same night, he has his first gig at Cafe Wha?---a club described as “a subterranean cavern, liquorless, and ill-lit.” Dylan is called the “voice of a generation,” and he goes on to change the future of folk music.
In the months running up to the election, Donald Trump ran on an unyielding immigration agenda that advocated for mass deportations, the militarization of the southern border, and the revocation of birthright citizenship. Two weeks into the new administration, President Trump is attempting to keep his promise of sanctioning mass deportations.
Skidmore College is a predominantly white institution (PWI); this much has always been clear to the student body. We strive to be inclusive, diverse, and knowledgeable about our privilege, yet still have a ways to go, particularly within the music department. The Skidmore jazz faculty consists of undeniably educated and talented white men, but are they aware of the weight this holds?