Photos by SGA Photographer Anika Eastman
Skidmore College has had varying institutional policies on laptop lending for students throughout past years. However, the school has not had a streamlined, consistent, and reliable laptop lending service for students.
Whether by facilitating access to academics, enriching student life, or empowering participation in extracurricular activities, laptops are crucial to the student experience at Skidmore. However, their upfront cost and repair fees can prevent students from owning laptops of their own. Ensuring Skidmore students can have access to a laptop when they need it is essential in Skidmore’s continued efforts to increase equity on campus. Throughout last semester, then SGA Vice President for Academic Affairs Emlika Jansen and I designed a legislative initiative to do just that.
On February 28, 2023, the SGA Senate passed and I signed Resolution 33-14: Laptop Loan Program Act, approving the purchase of an automated laptop lending kiosk and twenty four computers to be installed in the Scribner Library.
As SGA President, I am happy to share that this service, as of September 14, 2023, is officially available for use to students, staff, and faculty. Each of the 24 laptops available comes with the following programs: Microsoft Office, Chrome, Firefox, Zoom, Adobe Reader, Mathematica, JMP, Matlab, and STATA.
Borrowing a laptop is simple. You can initiate a loan from the kiosk touchscreen and swipe your Skidmore card, which will check the laptop out on your library account. The loan period is fourteen days, and if you need more time, you can return the laptop you have and check out a new one.
Charging cables, portable power blocks, and laptop bags can be checked out from the Circulation Desk in the Library. A full FAQ is posted on the kiosk and there is more detailed information on the Scribner Library website. The Library will be collecting feedback on this service throughout the semester. To contribute feedback on the service's functionality or to provide suggestions for changes, please reach out to College Librarian Marta Brunner.
This project was made possible by the Scribner Library, the IT Office, and the Office of the Dean of Students. Access to laptops in modern times is an essential service. Because of everyone’s hard work on this, Skidmore students, faculty, and staff will now have more options in times of need.
SGA will continue fighting and advocating for student interests across campus. If you have any ideas for what SGA needs to focus on moving forward or want to get involved yourself, do not hesitate to email SGA President Lowell at or set up a time to meet during his office hours at
Nathaniel Lowell ‘24 (he/him) is the Student Government Association President for the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 academic years.