Students Protesting Avocado Toast

This Friday, SEC made a decision that many are calling controversial when they announced via WSPN that infamous California rapper Avocado Toast would be performing at Fun Day this year. Traditionally, the Fun Day stage has served as place for student musicians to DJ and cover Blink 182 songs. Many student bands and performers have expressed their frustration and disappointment via Twitter and behind their SEC friends' backs.

However, it's not just this group of young artists who are unhappy with SEC's decision. Over the last eight months, Avocado Toast has become one of the most controversial rappers today, breaking the internet with lyrics like "Is Beyonce really a feminist?/ either way that ass perfectionist" and "I don't think Taylor deserves that many Grammys."

"He's made a career out of being a misogynist," one student noted in a statement to the Skidmore News. "We just don't want to be supporting that kind of a person by having him play live at such a major, all-inclusive campus event. We should just stream his music for free and sing along to it privately and guiltily instead."