Posted by Ani Lordkipanidze
The SGA Senate had the Willingness-to-Serve elections this week. Students ran for positions on the Speakers Bureau, Club Affairs Committee, Committee on Academic Standing, Class of 2012 Secretary, Class of 2015 Secretary, Integrity Board, Skidmore Shop Advisory Committee and Committee on Academic Freedom and Rights.
Every candidate came to the stage and delivered a brief speech, followed by questions from the audience.
Next followed a conversation with Justin Sipher, chief technology officer, and librarians and architects, who talked about the ongoing renovations to the Lucy Scribner Library. According to them, the changes made in the library were based on students' wishes, such as the café, which was recently incorporated into library.
The changes in the library include additional study rooms, works stations, recording rooms and power outlets. Study rooms will operate on a reserve mechanism, so that students may reserve a study room in advance to guarantee a place to study.
Members of several clubs, who are seeking funds from SGA to sponsor their activities, also presented at the meeting.
Senate meets from 8 to 11 p.m. every Thursday in Ladd Hall 307.