Posted by Kat Kullman
On March 1, the SGA Senate met to discuss a resolution to establish an official SGA digital coordinator.
The resolution to create an SGA digital coordinator stems from the senators' desire to make the actions and decisions of Senate more quickly publicized.
Senator Randy Abreu '11 created the resolution and suggested that becoming more involved in social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter would allow information to get to the students faster.
The digital coordinator would update these sites during the weekly Senate meetings.
"It started off from talking to people who wanted to know about what goes on in Senate, but more in real time," Abreu said. "I realized that Skidmore kids are always on their smartphones, and that this could be a way to get the information to them instantly."
Abreu cited the 100 free tickets to a recent hockey game as an example of how getting the news out faster would have been more effective.
Not many students took advantage of the opportunity for free tickets, likely because of ineffective advertisement.
The resolution was unanimously approved, thereby creating a new step-up position in the Senate body.
In other news:
• Senate approved a resolution to allocate funding from program support to the Drastic Measures. Bryce Klatsky, president of the Drastics, approached Senate to request $100 for posters to advertise the group's charity concert on March 21. The money raised from the concert will go to a charity for autistic children.
• Senate approved a resolution to allocate funding to SkidTV. Mike Forbes '12, president, and Mike Levin '11, treasurer, requested $8,000 for new video cameras that are based on flash drives, not tapes. Senate unanimously approved the request. The cameras will be available to the Skidmore community, but only after a training process.